>> Friday, March 28, 2008

Ah, how life throws you twists and turns. Sometimes there just don't seem to be words to accurately describe how one feels. Even if there were, it is such a mishmash of emotions that it wouldn't make any sense to anyone but the person experiencing it. It's just...AAAAHH! If only I could convey emotion easily through pen and paper...err, digital ink. It's like experiencing angst, depression, rejection, confusion, fear, and determination all at once. You have finally realized one part of why life is horrible, but you don't really know what to do to break out of it. You seek answers, and all you get is more confusion. If you could only get a little inkling of where to begin, you could break out. You could figure out where you were supposed to be, what you were supposed to be doing, and how to really enjoy things if you you could but grasp the beginning point.

Oh, and a pic. Just for you, Sylvia ;)


Dara McFarlane April 4, 2008 at 2:30 PM  

amen. i hate verbalizing my feelings/emotions because i always feel like i sound so stupid. but you said this very well -- very eloquently said steve.

Sylvia April 7, 2008 at 1:10 PM  

Youthful Uncle Noel....I mean, STEVEN! Lookin' good! And tell Aunt Nancy she looks cute, too. Thanks for the picture!

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